What record.

What public record of my thoughts exist authentically or effectively, on the Internet.

Nor reliably, for that matter.

This blog? Incomplete. But a mere fraction of all I wish to record. A reliable extension of my memories & thoughts, this is not.

Jakarta, July 16th, 2023. 2:23am. Typed on my phone from in bed.

New ATM card

Just want to note I had a not-terrible experience getting a new ATM card today for my B*C*A bank account. There was this ATM-like machine and I was guided by a customer-service officer. Was done in I could swear only 10 minutes. Only needed my KTP (Indonesian citizen ID card) and my registered & connected phone with installed bank app.

And I got to keep my old ATM card, we didn’t have to cut/destroy it. Very nice from sentimental value; I’ve had that card (and that bank account) from high-school. I might even frame it or something someday lol.

getting back to my old spirituality

A coworker at my office has a compressed .rar archive in her shared Dropbox folder entitled, “How to Sholat”. :”))

I should get back into my more spiritual habits. Reminiscent of my past where more of my life was more about Servitude to Jesus than this paycheck-to-paycheck barely-survival. Live each moment as a prayer, etc.

I remember knowing this stuff. I remember this stuff being me peace, keeping me humble, and making my resolve rock-steady. I can get back to it, God Willing. I know I can.

from my Tumblr blog: ferdifz.tumblr.com [direct link]