personal opinion on france teacher attack

Update, March 2021: Samuel Paty: French schoolgirl admits lying about murdered teacher [BBC News report, among others.]

Update, also per March 2021: Salman Rushdie has, so far, not made any public statements on the matter.

(developing under-developed)

Wonder if Salman Rushdie have anything to say about the recent attempted beheading in France.

For the record though, under no ambiguity, I say shame upon those who commit murder.

Moreso murder with the motive of compelling (through fear of violence) those who side with the victim to adhere to the religious beliefs of the murderer.

Continue reading “personal opinion on france teacher attack”

Indonesia = Multiculturalism = Democracy

Update to a post I originally published to Instagram. English translation available further below in this blog post.

Continue reading “Indonesia = Multiculturalism = Democracy”

Moving Forward while Acknowledging History

One way forward is suggested by the approach taken by the former Soviet republic of Georgia. They have no reason to worship Stalin. He was Georgian by birth but as leader of the Soviet Union he butchered 200,000 of his countrymen and women. Yet in Gori, Stalin’s birthplace, they not only preserve the hovel in which he was born, but also the vast museum built to glorify his achievement.

Visiting the museum a few years ago, I asked our young guide why every exhibit is retained intact, when his bloody legacy is so well known. “Ah,” she replied. “We must preserve the past as it was, so we can learn from it. But wait until the final room.”

Our guide was right. There – in the last room – Stalin’s crimes against the Georgians were laid out for all to see. The painful truth to put the hagiography of the rest of the museum in perspective.

Quartz Magazine: “Hero or Tyrant? Emperor Haile Selassie’s AU statue joins a growing list of Africa’s troubled memorials”  — by Martin Plaut, February 25, 2019

A statue of Ethiopia’s last Emperor, Haile Selassie at the African Union in Addis Ababa — AP PHOTO/SAMUEL HABTAB

John Malkovich 2017 interview, French film festival

Old-ish interview from 2017. Fascinating nonetheless.

Bonus link: Malkovich’s 2017 Superbowl ad:


cross-posted from my Tumblr blog: via IFTTT.

Originally posted on November 28, 2018 at 05:46PM. [Tumblr direct link]

taxing social media

The dictator of Uganda wants to tax citizens for using “social media”.


A few days ago it got me thinking that it would be technically difficult, if not impossible, for the government of Uganda to accurately track individual users and their usage of social media to arrive at an accurate number.

A riposte by other anonymous commentators goes that technologies in recent times show that it is possible if not already applied.

To which I replied:

Including blocking federated socmed services based on Mastodon/Diaspora/GNUsocial/ActivityPub routed through encrypted DNS servers & onion routers?

I mean yea sure blocking FB/twt/G+ & other centralized socmeds would be easy, even tracking usage through blockchain etc.,etc.

Tracking & charging centralized socmed, is different from tracking & charging *all* socmed.

“Life always finds a way”, to borrow from Jurassic World…

I’m not paying cash for Twitter.

Do *you* want to pay cash for Twitter?

How many Ugandans would pay cash for Twitter..?

…And then, just under 24 hours later, public protests seem to have forced even the Ugandan dictator to reconsider his tax.


Now mind you governments do tax Google, Facebook, Twitter. The governments tax the corporations and the corporations happily pay a percentage (through differing mechanisms depending on country/jurisdiction) because the corporations still manage to profit despite the taxation. Obviously, because if they can’t profit (at least profit long-term, and in some manner or some way) then obviously the businesses involved would eventually collapse.

Taxing citizens/users directly for time spent on socmed might discourage socmed abuse, such as how tax on tobacco, alcohol, gambling is supposed to discourage abuse, but the difference here is that citizens/users in the case of socmed don’t feel the sting of tax because the ones being taxed are the corporations, not the users. The “nanny-state” tax on socmed doesn’t work because it isn’t the babies that are getting taxed, it’s the “candy sellers” aka. the corporations. No one is taking candies from the babies.

The Internet is the cheapest, most cost-effective telecommunications infrastructure that Humanity has ever developed in history. And on the flip-side of that benefit, the escapism afforded by the Internet has detrimental side-effects that cannot be easily dismissed either. A first instinct reaction for many, including myself to be honest, is to react “censorship internet blockade bad”. Taxing users seem like a novel idea that might just work but personally I am biased against it. On the other hand though…

Whatever. The evil dictator must be deposed yadda yadda.


I personally would like to give more thought on this before I publish this but naah. I’m out of energy. </hits publish>

For the thinking persons, there is a dialogue happening between the acts of reading books and…

For the thinking persons, there is a dialogue happening between the acts of reading books and writing books.

Whether the dialogue be competitive or cooperative, is another matter though.

Ideally it should be cooperative though, don’t you think? Constructive?

How was it said? “The goal of discussion should not be victory but rather progress”? Or something..?

cross-posted from my Tumblr blog: via IFTTT.
Originally posted on July 20, 2017 at 01:01PM. [Tumblr direct link]

Berkeley author George Lakoff says, ‘Don’t underestimate Trump’

Berkeley author George Lakoff says, ‘Don’t underestimate Trump’

cross-posted from my Tumblr blog: via IFTTT.
Originally posted on May 06, 2017 at 02:56PM. [Tumblr direct link]